Push-Up Endurance (Push Up Competition)
Entry Fees: Rs. 100
Team Size: Solo
Coordinators: Pratyush, Lokesh
Contact: +91 9971355350
  • Starting Position: Participants must begin in a plank position, with hands shoulder-width apart and body in a straight line from head to heels.
  • Proper Form: A push-up is counted when the participant lowers their chest to the ground and returns to the starting position without sagging the hips or arching the back. Participants must maintain proper form throughout the duration. Any deviation from proper form will result in disqualification of that push-up.
  • Time Limit: Each participant has 2 minutes to complete as many push-ups as possible. Time starts when the judge signals the beginning.
  • Resting: Participants may rest in the plank position but must maintain the plank form. If they drop to their knees or sit, they will be disqualified from the count.
  • Disqualification: Any participant found cheating or using improper form will be disqualified from the event.
  • The decision of the judges shall be final and binding.
  • In the event of any disputes that may arise during the competition, the decision made by the organizers will be final and binding.
  • Participants found under the influence of cigarettes, alcohol, or narcotics, or using unfair means, regardless of the event they are participating in or the institution they represent, will be prohibited from participating and asked to leave the premises of the organizing institute.
  • Once registered for an event, under no circumstances the registration fees shall be refunded to the participants in case of absence/ disqualification.
Judging Criteria
  • Total Push-Ups: The winner will be determined by the total number of correctly executed push-ups completed within the 2-minute time frame.
  • Tiebreaker: In case of a tie, a sudden-death round will be held where tied participants will perform as many push-ups as possible until one participant fails to meet the proper form or cannot continue.
  • Judges will oversee the competition to ensure adherence to rules and proper counting of push-ups.
  • Judges have the final authority to determine the validity of each push-up and to disqualify participants as necessary.