Muscle Fit
Entry Fees: Rs. 350
Team Size: Solo
Coordinators: Karan
Contact: +91 9311573728
  • Dress Code: Board shorts, posing shorts, or posing trunks. They must be solid in color, cover at least half of the gluteus maximus, and cover the entire frontal area. Padding is not allowed.
  • Competitors are not allowed to wear jewelry and no props or gum are permitted. They also cannot lie on the floor, bump, shove, or elbow other competitors
  • Participants are allowed to apply tanning glaze to enhance their muscle definition before appearing on the stage.
  • Vulgarity and obscenity (at the judge’s discretion) at any point are strictly not allowed. It can lead to immediate disqualification.
  • Violation of any of the above rules will lead to heavy penalties.
  • The decision of the judges shall be final and binding.
  • Regarding the final line-up or any kind of dispute that may arise during the event, the decision of the organizers shall be final and binding.
  • The decision of the judges shall be final and binding.
  • In the event of any disputes that may arise during the competition, the decision made by the organizers will be final and binding.
  • Participants found under the influence of cigarettes, alcohol, or narcotics, or using unfair means, regardless of the event they are participating in or the institution they represent, will be prohibited from participating and asked to leave the premises of the organizing institute.
  • Once registered for an event, under no circumstances the registration fees shall be refunded to the participants in case of absence/ disqualification.
Judging Criteria
  • Body Definition, Built of the Muscles, Personality, Crowd Reaction, Overall Impact.
Elimination Criteria
  • The event consists of a single round divided into two phases. Phase 1 shall consist of body posing based on the instructions given by the judges. Phase 2 shall consist of freestyle body posing at your own discretion for a time limit instructed by the Judges.