Kitchen Kwizards (No flame cooking challenge)
Entry Fees: Rs. 100
Team Size: Solo
Coordinators: Jyoti, Cheshna Mehra
Contact: +91 8595394240
  • Teams of 2 participants.
  • Cooking only with cold or room-temperature ingredients; no use of fire or electronic devices.
  • Time limit: 1 hour.
  • The decision of the judges shall be final and binding.
  • In the event of any disputes that may arise during the competition, the decision made by the organizers will be final and binding.
  • The decision of the judges shall be final and binding.
  • In the event of any disputes that may arise during the competition, the decision made by the organizers will be final and binding.
  • Participants found under the influence of cigarettes, alcohol, or narcotics, or using unfair means, regardless of the event they are participating in or the institution they represent, will be prohibited from participating and asked to leave the premises of the organizing institute.
  • Once registered for an event, under no circumstances the registration fees shall be refunded to the participants in case of absence/ disqualification.
Judging Criteria
  • Taste, presentation, creativity, and hygiene.
  • Creativity (40%): Originality and uniqueness of the dish in relation to the theme.
  • Taste (30%): Flavor balance and overall taste of the dish.
  • Presentation (20%): Visual appeal and plating of the dish.
  • Adherence to Rules (10%): Compliance with the no-cook method and ingredient restrictions.
Elimination Criteria
  • The least creative dishes will be eliminated in the first round.
Terms & Conditions
  • All ingredients must be brought by the participants.
  • No pre-cooked or store-bought items allowed except for garnishing purposes.