Tech Talk Battle (Tech Debate)
Participants engage in a structured debate focusing on current technology topics, showcasing their analytical skills, persuasive abilities, and knowledge of the subject matter. Registration: Participants must register in advance as individuals or in teams (up to 3 members per team). Topic Announcement: A specific tech-related debate topic will be announced at the beginning of the event. Participants will be assigned either the 'pro' or 'con' position regarding the topic.Preparation Time: Participants will have a brief period (e.g., 10-15 minutes) to prepare their arguments and strategies based on their assigned positions. Debate Format: Each debate will consist of opening statements, rebuttals, and closing arguments. Each segment will have a designated time limit (e.g., 3 minutes for opening statements, 2 minutes for rebuttals).
Entry Fees: Rs. 100
Team Size: Solo
Coordinators: Amandeep, Cheshna Mehra
Contact: +91 7042147175
  • Conduct: Participants are expected to maintain professionalism and respect during debates. Personal attacks or disrespectful comments towards opponents will not be tolerated.
  • Use of Notes: Participants may use notes during the debate but should primarily engage with the audience and judges.
  • Time Management: Participants must adhere to the time limits for each segment. Judges will signal when time is nearly up.
  • Disputes: Any disputes regarding rules or points of order must be raised immediately to the debate moderator, whose decision will be final.
  • The decision of the judges shall be final and binding.
  • In the event of any disputes that may arise during the competition, the decision made by the organizers will be final and binding.
  • Participants found under the influence of cigarettes, alcohol, or narcotics, or using unfair means, regardless of the event they are participating in or the institution they represent, will be prohibited from participating and asked to leave the premises of the organizing institute.
  • Once registered for an event, under no circumstances the registration fees shall be refunded to the participants in case of absence/ disqualification.
Judging Criteria
  • Argument Quality (40%): Clarity, logic, and persuasiveness of the arguments presented.
  • Rebuttal Effectiveness (30%): Ability to counter opposing arguments effectively and engage with the topic.
  • Delivery (20%): Presentation style, confidence, and engagement with the audience.
  • Research and Evidence (10%): Use of factual data, examples, and logical reasoning to support arguments.
  • A panel of judges with expertise in technology and debate will evaluate performances based on the scoring criteria.
  • Clarity of arguments
  • Research and facts presented
  • Teamwork and rebuttal strength
Elimination Criteria
  • Knockout rounds, with the top 2 teams advancing to the finals.